Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Rotation is Over! The Rotation is Over!

YAY! It is about time. The rotation that Brian has been working has finally come to an end. Today is the wrap-up BBQ and then Brian should be home in the afternoon. He has a long weekend this weekend since he missed the Labor Day break due to being in rotation. On Saturday he is headed to the Czech Republic for a AAAA (Army Aviation Association of America) gathering at a small Czech casino - the owner agreed to let the AAAA hold a Texas Hold'em tournament there for the night. He'll be back on Sunday and since he has off on Monday and Tuesday we'll probably take a small road trip somewhere - maybe Prague?
Yesterday Brian was able to leave work a little early since the rotation was coming to an end and we took Luke bowling again! After bowling we headed to Velburg and ate at the Winkler Brau, a great restaurant, hotel and brewery in the town next to us.
Here are some bowling pictures - enjoy! (I still have not figured out the optimal setting for taking pictures in low light indoors - they are all so shadowed.)

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